Cycling Checklist for Families: Never Forget Your Essentials Again!

Whether you are a long time cyclist or new to the sport, we can all use a little help remembering the essentials, especially when children are involved. Use this quick and easy cycling checklist to make sure you have everything you need for your trip.

1. Bike, Hamax Child Carrier, and Helmets for Everyone

While these first items are something we’d all like to think we wouldn’t forget, it does happen. How many times do we walk around looking for our phone when it’s right in our hand or the keys! We don’t know about you, but we’ll keep blaming the memory loss on the lack of sleep and not enough caffeine. Make sure that your bike and child carrier of choice are ready to go, and that helmets are on before the kiddos are even strapped in.

2. Proper Attire for Weather Including Sunscreen

Cycling Checklist Helmets

There’s no shame in following your mom’s advice and putting on a jacket before going outside. While the adults are doing all the work in pedaling and staying warm, the munchkins may need an extra layer or two during the colder seasons. If you and the kiddos aren’t wearing long sleeves and long pants, it’s always a good idea to put on a layer of sunscreen before heading out for a long ride. Even in cloudy weather, those with sensitive skin can quickly get a sunburn if they aren’t protected.

3. Bike Locks and Stroller Wheel

If you’re planning to stop and walk around during your trip it’s always a good idea to make sure you have a bike lock handy. When using the Hamax Outback Multi-Sport Trailer + Stroller with your bike, make sure to grab the stroller wheel. The one-click Safe Connection Point on the Outback makes it incredibly easy to switch from a bike trailer to a stroller in case you need to stop at the store on the way home or have a hankering to walk around the park instead of ride.

4. Bike Repair Items

Preparing for the worst is never any fun, but neither is walking several miles because a chain fell off your bike or a tire went flat. Carrying a few simple tools could mean arriving home in time for dinner instead of eating trail mix and juice boxes. We recommend a multi-tool, a patch or flat repair kit, and a spare tube. If your bike has road tires, a tire lever will help you change a flat as the tires fit a bit tighter to the rim than mountain bike tires.

Cycling Checklist neck cushion5. Neck Cushion

The soothing rhythm of mom or dad pedaling is bound to make your toddler fall asleep at some point. Feel free to recline the Hamax Caress rear child bike seat for your sleeping beauty and let the neck cushion provide an added layer of comfort. A neck cushion will both stabilize your child’s head and neck as well as make them feel as cozy as can be during the ride.

6. First Aid Kit

Filled with princess and dragon band-aids, a first aid kit is not only practical, it is necessary for life’s little boo boos. Add in a few wipes to clean fingers, tissue for runny noses, and a bottle of hanitizer (hand sanitizer for those new to toddler speak), and you and the kiddos will be all set to deal with whatever comes your way.

7. ID and Money

Even if you’re not driving to your destination, it is wise to bring a form of identification. A few dollars for the surprise ice cream truck or lunch stop on the way doesn’t hurt either.

8. Snacks and Drinks

If you’ve ever encountered a hangry child (or adult!) you know how iCycling Checklist high fivemportant it is to throw a couple snacks in your bag. Carrying extra water keeps everyone hydrated and helps your body perform better while pedaling. Make sure to pack items that will remain safe to eat after being in a trailer or backpack for a few hours.



9. Diaper Bag/Toys or Activities for Kids

There’s nothing like getting to your destination and realizing that you don’t have any spare diapers for the baby. Keeping a diaper bag stashed with a few extra toys for the kids next to the door is an easy way to remind yourself not to forget these items. A coloring book or some sidewalk chalk for the older kids is a perfect way to keep them entertained when the scenery just isn’t doing the trick.

10. Pre-Ride Inspection

While it seems like overkill, a quick inspection of your equipment before heading out can save you the headache of a flat tire on the trail. Make sure to check the tire pressure and condition on both the bike and the Hamax Outback Trailer if you are using it on your ride. Before putting the kids in their seats, do a quick brake check and make sure that all lights and reflectors are securely attached. You’ll also want to double check the seat and handle bar height of your bike before heading out.

Whether you’re preparing for your first ride ever, the first one of the season, or even the first one this week, we hope you found this cycling checklist helpful and informative. We’d love to hear if there’s anything you would add, or if your children have a favorite toy to bring on their rides with you. If you’re looking for a new route for your next ride, check out our favorite rides in these top cities.